
thanksgiving, the year is winding down, winter is upon us, the end of the year just kind of falls off the calendar, you just have to survive Christmas somehow then bam… a whole new year! as a flute enthusiast I am thankful for the earliest and most creative ancient ancestors who conjured these instruments from nature and shared them with their tribesmen and other tribes spreading the flute wealth all across the world allowing for the evolution of the flute and its various approaches to musical expression. even through the last ice age during a mass extinction event one of the traditions the survivors kept alive was flute making and flute playing… for the self, for others, for healing, for peace. the flute serves as the opposite of a weapon, being always as a bridge, never as a wall. connecting people across distances, oceans, language barriers, anything, we all breathe in the same air but we all breathe out our own soul, I am thankful for every flute player, every flute maker, every flute and every expression though every flute, and even for every individual who enjoys flute music and especially for the tens of thousands of years worth of flute people who have created it and carried it allowing it to evolve, and come into my life and change my life, allowing me an opportunity to change my life as well as the lives of others and even help others change their own lives. it is a hell of a thing the flute, nothing short of magic… and I am thankful for it all.


Wands & Wizardry